Tuesday, March 3, 2009

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?

Kobe Bryant Basketball player. Born August 23, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Named after a Japanese steakhouse, Kobe is the son of former NBA player Joe “Jellybean” Bryant. In 1984, after ending his NBA career, the elder Bryant took the family to Italy where he played on the Italian League. Growing up in Italy alongside two athletic older sisters, Shaya and Sharia, Kobe was an avid player of both basketball and soccer. When the family returned to Philadelphia in 1991, Bryant joined the Lower Merion high school basketball team, leading it to the state championships four years in a row. With an eye on the NBA, he also started working out with the 76ers.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?

I agree with how Kobe Bryant has marketed his image because he not only playsntrepreneur has left on the market place?Following the immense success of the other shoe promoted by Kobe Bryant for the Olympic games, the revolutionary Hyperdunk, Nike will launch on January 17, 2009 the fourth edition of the the Zoom Kobe line which features a beautiful design (maybe the best of the line so far) and promises to be another hit.

3. Do you think this entrepreneur has left a possitive or negative look on the market place?

I hink that Kobe has left a possitive look on the marketplace because he has a deal with nike, he is in numerous of commercials and is known for being one of the greatestest to ever played the game of basketball allways.

Monday, February 23, 2009

1. I think Tiger Woods is one of todays most dominant entrepenuers because he knows how to rent out his image to the right industry, and the right companies.

2. I think that Tiger Woods has marketed his image really well, he has brought himself down to Earth in order for people to think that they can be like Tiger.

3. Tiger Woods has left a very positive mark on the market by portraying that he can do anything and everything in the golf world and sell products with his image.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dominant and in fashion.

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?
Because Donatella Versace has been able to come from such a tragedy with the death of G. Versace and translate her vison into his company. She has been able to show that even without him she can lead a sucessful luxury brand without him and that the brand can also look as good if not better than it did before his death. Also, her industry is dominated by powerful women, and she was a non item when she started. When one sees established people such as miucia prada, anna wintour, and carolina hererra and looks at how donatella was thrown into the industry with no notice and has been able to drive Versace to a profit it is clear that she is a dominant businesswoman.
2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
Not all the time, she needs to stop having nosejobs and tanning.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
New and wonderful outlook on fashion.

Mark Cuban

1. Mark Cuban is one of today's most dominant entreprenuers because of his success in a variety of markets. He is the owner of an NBA team, he co-owns 2929 Entertainment, and he is the chairman of HDNet. He had an idea to make some money and he ran with it. He started an online business and made hundreds of millions of dollars from it. He now is worth over $2.8 billion.

2. Yes, I agree with the image that he has marketed himself as. He is crazy, wild and aggressive. He gets out there and wants to make money. It's all part of the business. He knows what he wants and he goes out and gets it and he doesn't care how much trouble he gets in. He gets heard.

3. I believe that Mark Cuban has left a positive effect on the market place. He is good for the NBA and he loves to put people in the seats. He loves to entertain. He was even on Dancing with the Stars. A person like that has definately left a positive effect in the market place.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Richard Branson The Best Entrepreneur

I think that Richard Branson is one of todays most dynamic entrepreneurs.

1)I think Branson is one of the best entrepreneurs because, he took his own company and turned it into over 200 differant companies.

2)I agree with the way Branson markets his image he likes to do it in a way that is fun.

3) I think that Richard Branson has left a large footprint on the market place with so many differant companies in all sorts of markets.

Post one: Jay Z and his image


1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?

Because Jay- Z has been able to evolve his image from that of just another rapper into that of a sucessful business man and has been able to show that people who are members of the "hip hop comunity" are able to effectily grow market share in both personal and publicly traded interests.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
When he first began i did not seee a positve to the way he marketed himself. It was not truly effective, to be labeled as a "dope boy" and to aspire to be a C.E.O at def jam. However, his more refined ways have allowed a positive influence on many people within america who do not belive that they have inate ability (ies).

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
He has redefined hip hop culture and made it more palatable to the world at large, through refinement of his own image during the epoch in which he was "the best rapper alive"

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? I think LeBron James is one of the most dominant entrepreneurs today because he has exploded in the market industry. He went from selling shoes to clothes, to so many accesories. Lebron James almost sells everything.
2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
Yes I agree with the way LeBron has marketed his image. One because he is LeBron James and he is one of the greatest NBA players. I love his shoes i had every pair that came out.
2. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
To me I think LeBron has left a huge impact in the market business becasue everyone buy's Lebron JAmes stuff. His stuff is so good other country is trying to buy him.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dynamic Entrepreneur

1. I think today's most dynamic entrepreneur is Miley Cyrus. She has a wildly popular TV show on the Disney channel, she has two movies, and she's famous for her singing career. She is a sensation worldwide. She's sixteen years old, and she is already a brand image. Her TV show has the highest ratings of any show on telvesion today. She also has several CDs, some from her television alter ego, some as herself. All of them have made record sales as well as being on the Billboard Top 100. Everyone in America knows her name. She's Hannah Montana.

2. I both do and do not agree with the way Miley Cyrus markets her image. On the one hand, I think she does an excellent job of getting her image out there and being a public figure. She constantly appears on the covers of pre-teen magazines, her show is on air at least twice a day, and her songs are played on radio stations across the nation. However, she does not do a good job of keeping her image clean and professional. She has had several scandals involving photos of her in Vanity Fair and photos she posted herself online. Inappropriate behavior like this will not help her career, and has lost her fans. If she kept her image more professional and appropriate to her fans, the majority of which are pre-teen girls, she would be a better role model and have a better chance of continuing her career.

3. Miley Cyrus has changed the marketplace in several ways. For one, she is the most popular teenage sensation ever to enter the marketplace. She is also one of the few teenage celebrities to sing, act, and dance. Most teenage actors also have nowhere near as much success as she has had. Miley Cyrus has proven to everyone in her industry that it is possible for a teenager to become the popular phenomenon in the entertainment business.

A Great Entrepreneur

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?
I think one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs is Magic Johnson. I think he's one of the most dominant entrepreneurs because he is chairman, founder, and chief executive officer of foundations, enterprises, and development companies. He used his basketball career and influence to get him higher in life.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
I do agree with the way Magic has marketed his image. He openly came out about having HIV and that didn't make him look all that bad. He spun everything that happened to him form bad to good. He's shown his self as a positive role model to many youth.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
The effect he has had on the market place has not been bad. He owns 50% of 72 Starbucks locations. He builds housing in urban communities . His effects on the market has been pretty good.

Dominant Entrepenuer

Michael Jordan
1. I think that Michael Jordan is one of the most dominant entreprenuer because first of all he is the greatest basketball player of all time and he has one of the most popular clothing/ shoe line in stores. He aslo is involved with nike, gatorade, etc.
2. Yes I agree with the way he markets himself. He markets himself as the best and thats exactly what he is, the best.
3. He has left a big effect on the game of basketball, and he has left a big effect on Nike since his shoes are so popular, he brings in so much money.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Most Dynamic Entrepreneur # 2

Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur? I think Howard Schultz is one of today's most dynamic entrepreneurs.

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Howard Schultz is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs because he has worked his way to the top. Schultz grew up in a housing project in Brooklyn, went to college on a football scholarship, and now runs one of the biggest coffee companies in the world. He helped build up Starbucks to what it is today.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
I agree with the ways in which Schultz has marketed his image. He always appears professional when talking to press and advertisers, and also really puts the focus on the company, not himself. He truly has a passion to have his company succeed. He had to persuade Starbucks for a year before they hired him, eventually making him director or marketing and operations. Since then, he has bought the Starbucks corporation for over $3 million. He has always marketed Starbucks positively.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
Schultz has changed the coffee market forever. Starbucks is at the head of the coffee world and has countless locations, all over the world. No one has had as much success as him in the same field. He has provided an amazing example for people to follow.

Most Dominant Entreprenueur

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Bill Gates is the most dominant entrepreneur because many people in the world have computers and many of them use Microsoft products. Bill Gates has been so successful that he has been the world's richest man for thirteen consecutive years.

2.Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? I guess I agree with the way Bill Gates markets his image because he is usually business casual and semi professional. When the time come bill gates can get all dressed up too.
3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
Bill Gates has left a huge mark on the market place. Bill Gates' business, Microsoft, is worth billion and has made him the world's richest man. Although some people say that the only reason Microsoft is so successful is because it is a monopoly, but there are other computer software developers, so Microsoft is not a monopoly. Microsoft is so successful because Bill Gates and his team has put a lot of hard work into their software and worked hard to fight off piracy, so other entrepreneurs know that all that it takes for a successful business is hard work.

Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur?
Jay Z is the most dynamic entrepreneur
1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?
I think Jay Z is the most dynamic entrepreneur because he not only makes money by selling his music records, but he also make money by selling clothes.
2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
Yes, because for business you need a lot of things besides money, and Jay z used his Rapper image to sell his brand.
3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
The impact of this entrepreneur on the marketplace is very grate, because he makes money by selling his music, and by selling his branded clothing and becoming the brand manager.

Britney Spears is one of the most dynamic entrepreneurs.

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Britney Spears is a dominant figure in the music industry and used that influence to debut herself in the business world with perfumes, books, and DVDs.
2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? Although Britney Spears has many bad images that go along with her name, the publicity only makes her more famous and so I agree with the way that Britney Spears doesn't let the bad publicity ruin the business aspect of her career.
3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place? Britney Spears has made her name even bigger than it was when she was just a pop music icon. Britney Spears was smart enough to use her fame to make the transition into business, easy and immediately successful.

Most Dominant Entrepreneur

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Mark Golston is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs because his target audience is unique and thus his businesses do not have to fight with pre-existing companies for their consumers. Instead of building just another internet service company targeting the techies and those who want the most luxurious services, he went for those who could not or would not pay high prices for internet service. His idea was a huge success. He has since built up his company to include online services, further increasing his success. Currently, he is the CEO and dominant owner of United Online.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? I do agree with the ways in which Mark Goldston has marketed his image. He appeals to consumers who want internet service but are unable or unwilling to pay the luxurious prices that other services, such as Comcast or AOL, demand. His concept of marketing is unique and his image reflects this. Further, he markets strategically. The company of which he is currently CEO, United Online, has a variety of service types. Not only does United Online contain two internet service providers--NetZero and Juno--but they also have a flower delivery service (FTD), a site that connects people called Classmates.com, personal website services called MySite.com, and a rewards service for credit cards and savings accounts that was bought from American Airlines.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place? Mark Goldston has left a lasting impact on the marketplace. His ways of advertising and merging companies that offer internet service as well as services once the user is online has kept a steady and large consumer base. Further, he has provided people with free internet, though with restrictions. This enables people to connect with others and more conveniently shop online while being economically efficient--which is critical in the current economy crisis. Further his empire has created a consistent consumer base and will never be obsolete, thus it will continue to prosper.

1. Truett Cathy is one of today's most successful entrepeneurs because he has developed a leading restaurant chain called Chic Fil-a, starting from scratch.
2. Whenever I have been to a Chic Fil-a, even though it's a fast food chain, the service is really good because Truett believes in humble, happy people. Chic Fil-a's always have a nice happy feel, which is appealing.
3. Truett has left a huge affect on the marketplace. He has revolutionized fast food service to being polite and caring, while serving fantastic food at the same time. His restaurants are literally as popular if not more popular than McDonalds in much of America.

Top Entrepreneur Part II

1. I think that Rachael Ray is one of today's most dominant and successful entrepreneurs. Not only has she dominated nearly every form of media including television (with cooking shows on the The Food Network and her own daytime talk show on CBS), cookbooks, and instructional cooking videos, but she has started many of her own projects as well including: a line of cookware/specialty ingredients, her own magazine, and even her own line of organic dog food.

2. Rachael Ray has marketed herself brilliantly. Despite achieving such immense success she has always remained true to her self. She is the type of person that people can relate to and feel like they know. Her bubbly personality has made her a superstar in the food world and motivated people to get in the kitchen and cook their own healthy meals. Rachael has also taken advantage of her image in order to raise money for various charities and organizations.

3. Rachael has left a deep impact on the marketplace today. With her line of cookware and specialty products/ingredients, cookbooks, and TV shows, she has inspired millions of people to get in the kitchen and really enjoy cooking.

Dominant Entrepenuers

1. I think that Jay-z is one of the most dominant entrepenuers today, because he is involved in many industrys, and he is very popular among people.

2. I thnk that Jay-z has marketed his image very well, he has portryaed himself as a business man , and not just a rapper.

3. I think Jay-z has left a really good effect on the market, he has built up his reputation, and gooten involved in many brands.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jay Z

-Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur?

I think that Jay Z is the most dynamic entrepreneur.

-1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?

I think jay z is the most dominate entrepreneur because he has his products in many differant markets.

-2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?

I agree with how Jay Z markets his image. he uses his fame from rap to sell other products which is good idea.

-3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
I think Jay Z has left a good effect on the marketplace because he has so many products out for sale that people want to buy.

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? I think Jeff Bezos is one of today's most dominate entrepreneurs. He is the founder, CEO and chairman of the board of Amazon.com Which today Americans largest online retailer.
2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? I do Agree With the way he has marketed is image. He keeps his sallary fairly low for a CEO and Semms not to get in trouble with the media.
3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place? The effect that Jeff Bezos has left is everlasting, he has created the worlds largest online retail store which he created from the ground up.

the gretest entrepreneur

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? I think that Mahammad ali is a very stong and important entrepreneur right now beacuse he has a very strong image. He was one of the greatest boxers of all time. But he not only boxes, but he is honored for instance he was honored at the 2009 Presidents award at the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People's February 12 ceremony in Los Angeles. The group says Ali's accomplishments in the boxing ring are matched by his record of social activism and humanitarian efforts.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
I agree with how this entrepreneur has marked his or her image because Muhammad Ali has been around for a long time and he was honored and still honored for the longest. Everybody knows about his struggles and what he went through growing up. And will be always known as the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time.
3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?Please remember to post a picture of yourself and your selected entrepreneur. Ali has left alot of memories behind him all these medals and memories. He was the the Golden glove champ and the world greatest heavyweight champ of the world. He also leaves his daughter Layla ali who follows he dads footsteps.

Mrs. Gordon

Entrepreneur Post.

I think Jay-Z is the most dynamic entrepreneur.
1. Because he does everything, he is one of the greatest hip hop artists of all time and he also owns the New Jersey Nets. He is really becoming a business man.
2. Yes I do agree with the way he marketed himself. He is well dressed now, he wears suits and very nice clothes. He is a business man.
3. He has left a good effect on the marketplace. He has left his mark on so many successful products. Its like any product he is involved with it is successful.

The Best Entrepreneur

Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur? I think between the entrepreneur's its Jay-Z
1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? I think Jay-Z is one of the most dominant entrepreneur today becasue of all the things he has done and what he is doing now. Not only does he sells records Jay-Z also use to sell clothes called Rocawear.
2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? Yes I agree. I agree because Jay-Z is doing great in the market he is getting basically everything he wants. And he also is getting the money. His image is so wide everybody knows Jay-z, and everybody likes Jay-Z.
2. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place? Jay-Z has left a big effect on the market place, but in a good way. He has really expanded it in every way besides music. He used business.


Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur?Pick one of the above or select one of your own choosing. You must explain in your posting:

1)Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?
2)Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
3)Why effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?

Jay-Z is one of todays most profitable entrepreneurs because of the way he has dominated so many diffrent quickly growing industrys right when they were starting and have now exploded. I eliee he has an extreamly strong immage right now and dont see it changing. He has showed that there is money in the hip-hop lifestyle and he exploited it.

Who's the best entrepeneur?

Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur? I think Jay-Z is today's most dynamic entrepeneur.

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? I think that Jay-Z is one of today's most dominant entrepeneurs because of his history in the business and his career. He has been the CEO of Def Jam Recordings as well as the CEO of Roc-A-Fella Records. He also cut an enormous deal with Live Nation last April for $150 million, making him one of the most successful entrepeneurs in America.
2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? I agree with the way Jay-Z markets his image. He's been enormously successful in the music industry as well as the world of entrepeneurship. He always approaches things professionally and takes everything calmly and rationally. His business life does not overlap with his personal life.
3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place? I think Jay-Z has left an enormous impact on fellow entrepeneurs and those in the music industry. He has had many highly successful partnerships with a variety of companies. His work and success will be a model for many entrepeneurs to come.

Dominant Entrepreneurs

Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur? Jeff Bezos is today's most dynamic entrepreneur.

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Jeff Bezos is today's most dominant entrepreneur because of the fact that he created the most dominant book selling website in the United States. Jeff Bezos is the founder, CEO, and chairman of the board of Amazon.com.

2.Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? Yes, I think that Jeff Bezos has marketed his image very well. I've never heard any bad publicity referring to Jeff Bezos and he also makes it known that he keeps his salary at a lost $81,000 a year although his net worth is way more.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place? Jeff Bezos has made it possible for anyone in the United States to buy any book at a cheap price and have it shipped to them at a timely date.


Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur? Pick one of the above or select one of your own choosing. Jay-Z

Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?

- Jay-Z is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs becuase of his success in many different businesses. Jay-z owns and promotes many different products and he has a lot of net worth in what he owns.

Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?

- Yes, Jay-Z has gone from an image that appeals to younger people (teenage to young adults), and he has broadend his horizons and expanded his market.

Why effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?

-I think Jay-Z has left a positive effect on the market place. People want to buy Jay-Z. People want to be Jay-Z.


1. Who do you think does the best job managing their image?
I think Jennifer Lopez does the best job managing her image because she is involved in so many things at once. She is a dancer, a singer, has a perfume and a clothing line, and is a serious actress. Most entrepreneurs have only one facet to their career. Jennifer Lopez, on the other hand, has many different projects to manage, and with all of them she is promoting herself in a positive way. Her image is promoted on a major scale, in movies and on TV and in magizines, and she keeps her image clean and professional.

2. Do you agree with the way this entrepreneur has marketed his/her image?
Some entrepreneurs have no image except that of their company. However Jennifer Lopez is a household name. Her image is a popular one, but it's still professional and positive. She markets her image as an actress, singer, and many other things, all in a good way. Some celebrities get a lot of bad press, but Jennifer Lopez keeps her image clean.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
I think Jennifer Lopez's effect on the market place has been a major one. She has changed the way we look at celebrities. Instead of being your regular singer, she transitioned from just singing to also serious acting, and then she went on to market her clothing line and her perfume. She was one of the first singers to spread her career so far, and now many, many others in her industry have followed in her footsteps.