Monday, February 9, 2009

Most Dynamic Entrepreneur # 2

Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur? I think Howard Schultz is one of today's most dynamic entrepreneurs.

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Howard Schultz is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs because he has worked his way to the top. Schultz grew up in a housing project in Brooklyn, went to college on a football scholarship, and now runs one of the biggest coffee companies in the world. He helped build up Starbucks to what it is today.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
I agree with the ways in which Schultz has marketed his image. He always appears professional when talking to press and advertisers, and also really puts the focus on the company, not himself. He truly has a passion to have his company succeed. He had to persuade Starbucks for a year before they hired him, eventually making him director or marketing and operations. Since then, he has bought the Starbucks corporation for over $3 million. He has always marketed Starbucks positively.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
Schultz has changed the coffee market forever. Starbucks is at the head of the coffee world and has countless locations, all over the world. No one has had as much success as him in the same field. He has provided an amazing example for people to follow.

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