Monday, February 9, 2009

Most Dominant Entreprenueur

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Bill Gates is the most dominant entrepreneur because many people in the world have computers and many of them use Microsoft products. Bill Gates has been so successful that he has been the world's richest man for thirteen consecutive years.

2.Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? I guess I agree with the way Bill Gates markets his image because he is usually business casual and semi professional. When the time come bill gates can get all dressed up too.
3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
Bill Gates has left a huge mark on the market place. Bill Gates' business, Microsoft, is worth billion and has made him the world's richest man. Although some people say that the only reason Microsoft is so successful is because it is a monopoly, but there are other computer software developers, so Microsoft is not a monopoly. Microsoft is so successful because Bill Gates and his team has put a lot of hard work into their software and worked hard to fight off piracy, so other entrepreneurs know that all that it takes for a successful business is hard work.

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