Monday, February 9, 2009

Most Dominant Entrepreneur

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Mark Golston is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs because his target audience is unique and thus his businesses do not have to fight with pre-existing companies for their consumers. Instead of building just another internet service company targeting the techies and those who want the most luxurious services, he went for those who could not or would not pay high prices for internet service. His idea was a huge success. He has since built up his company to include online services, further increasing his success. Currently, he is the CEO and dominant owner of United Online.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? I do agree with the ways in which Mark Goldston has marketed his image. He appeals to consumers who want internet service but are unable or unwilling to pay the luxurious prices that other services, such as Comcast or AOL, demand. His concept of marketing is unique and his image reflects this. Further, he markets strategically. The company of which he is currently CEO, United Online, has a variety of service types. Not only does United Online contain two internet service providers--NetZero and Juno--but they also have a flower delivery service (FTD), a site that connects people called, personal website services called, and a rewards service for credit cards and savings accounts that was bought from American Airlines.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place? Mark Goldston has left a lasting impact on the marketplace. His ways of advertising and merging companies that offer internet service as well as services once the user is online has kept a steady and large consumer base. Further, he has provided people with free internet, though with restrictions. This enables people to connect with others and more conveniently shop online while being economically efficient--which is critical in the current economy crisis. Further his empire has created a consistent consumer base and will never be obsolete, thus it will continue to prosper.

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