Friday, February 6, 2009


Who do you think is today's most dynamic entrepreneur? Pick one of the above or select one of your own choosing. Jay-Z

Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?

- Jay-Z is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs becuase of his success in many different businesses. Jay-z owns and promotes many different products and he has a lot of net worth in what he owns.

Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?

- Yes, Jay-Z has gone from an image that appeals to younger people (teenage to young adults), and he has broadend his horizons and expanded his market.

Why effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?

-I think Jay-Z has left a positive effect on the market place. People want to buy Jay-Z. People want to be Jay-Z.

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