Friday, February 6, 2009


1. Who do you think does the best job managing their image?
I think Jennifer Lopez does the best job managing her image because she is involved in so many things at once. She is a dancer, a singer, has a perfume and a clothing line, and is a serious actress. Most entrepreneurs have only one facet to their career. Jennifer Lopez, on the other hand, has many different projects to manage, and with all of them she is promoting herself in a positive way. Her image is promoted on a major scale, in movies and on TV and in magizines, and she keeps her image clean and professional.

2. Do you agree with the way this entrepreneur has marketed his/her image?
Some entrepreneurs have no image except that of their company. However Jennifer Lopez is a household name. Her image is a popular one, but it's still professional and positive. She markets her image as an actress, singer, and many other things, all in a good way. Some celebrities get a lot of bad press, but Jennifer Lopez keeps her image clean.

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
I think Jennifer Lopez's effect on the market place has been a major one. She has changed the way we look at celebrities. Instead of being your regular singer, she transitioned from just singing to also serious acting, and then she went on to market her clothing line and her perfume. She was one of the first singers to spread her career so far, and now many, many others in her industry have followed in her footsteps.

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