Thursday, February 12, 2009

Post one: Jay Z and his image


1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs?

Because Jay- Z has been able to evolve his image from that of just another rapper into that of a sucessful business man and has been able to show that people who are members of the "hip hop comunity" are able to effectily grow market share in both personal and publicly traded interests.

2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image?
When he first began i did not seee a positve to the way he marketed himself. It was not truly effective, to be labeled as a "dope boy" and to aspire to be a C.E.O at def jam. However, his more refined ways have allowed a positive influence on many people within america who do not belive that they have inate ability (ies).

3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place?
He has redefined hip hop culture and made it more palatable to the world at large, through refinement of his own image during the epoch in which he was "the best rapper alive"

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