Monday, February 9, 2009

Britney Spears is one of the most dynamic entrepreneurs.

1. Why do you think this person is one of today's most dominant entrepreneurs? Britney Spears is a dominant figure in the music industry and used that influence to debut herself in the business world with perfumes, books, and DVDs.
2. Do you agree with the ways in which this entrepreneur has marketed his or her image? Although Britney Spears has many bad images that go along with her name, the publicity only makes her more famous and so I agree with the way that Britney Spears doesn't let the bad publicity ruin the business aspect of her career.
3. What effect do you think that this entrepreneur has left on the market place? Britney Spears has made her name even bigger than it was when she was just a pop music icon. Britney Spears was smart enough to use her fame to make the transition into business, easy and immediately successful.

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