Friday, February 6, 2009

Top Entrepreneur

1. I think that out of these four people, Jay-Z does the best job of maintaining his image and branding himself. Jay-Z has his foot in a lot of different projects, ranging from albums, clothing, restaurant/club managment, and sports management. He has widespread appeal and has been able to acquire an enormous following of fans, which is a necessity in order to succeed in a competitive market place. Jay-Z is not only a brilliant businessman, but he is talented to boot. The fact that he is so committed to his primary art (music) and takes the time and energy to produce great products says a lot about his business ethics and philosophy.

2. I think that Jay-Z has branded himself in the best way possible. He has committed himself to excellence in all of his ventures/projects and, despite immense success, has maintained a sense of relatability with his fans and customers.

3. Jay-Z serves as an excellent example for fellow want-to-be entrepreneurs who are trying to make it in the market today. He has experimented with a bunch of different business endeavors and remained committed and actively involved in all of them. The fact that he has maintained a strong connection with his customers and been able to remain he who is in such a competative market is very admirable.

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